
We know how hard you work, and we match your efforts by making the purchase process for your projects as easy as possible.

Quick turn around times, combined with solutions to fit any of your contractor needs, we make you look good.

All contractors receive special wholesale discount pricing, and all you need to do is fill out the form below (easiest to do this on your phone), then we will supply you with a unique discount code that only you can use. This coupon code is tied directly to your account. Please see terms below for more details.

Terms of Service:

No Log-In Required to Access Great Contractor Discounts! We Make It Easy:

  1. Apply here online, no need to call, but we always want to hear from you.
    Phone: 619-628-1920
  2. Once your business information is verified, you will be provided a unique discount coupon code to be used at checkout here on:
  3. Your special coupon code is for your business only. Sharing your assigned discount code is strictly prohibited.
  4. You agree to allow Metal Air Filters to maintain an online account of your business records.
  5. All contractor terms are assigned to your credit card. We do not offer any internal 30/60/90 day credits to any contractor.
  6. Contractor status is a privilege and not a right. We reserve the right to terminate the above application at any time and for any reason.
  7. By completing the above form, you agree to these terms and we reserve the right to update these terms of service at any time.